The formation of Ukrainian cuisine is as difficult as the formation of the Ukrainian state. The national cuisine of Ukraine began to take shape in the second half of the 17th century after the Russian-Polish war and finally took shape after the third partition of the Commonwealth (1795). Until that time, Ukrainian cuisine was inseparable from Polish and Lithuanian cuisines.

Ukrainian cuisine is savory, hearty, high-calorie. Ukrainian borscht and salo can be called business cards of the national cuisine. Pork fat is eaten in a variety of forms (raw, fried, smoked), many dishes are cooked on it (including sweet ones, for example, verguns). The most commonly used meat is pork.
Popular meat dishes: zrazy, cabbage rolls, sicheniki, krucheniki, boiled pork, cracklings, liver (roast) and others. In the 18th century, Ukrainian cuisine was enriched with potatoes, without which many dishes are now unthinkable, for example, the famous potato pancakes and potato pancakes. A century later, tomatoes, sugar beets (and, accordingly, sugar), eggplants, and sunflower oil appeared. Other common vegetables are: cabbage, radish, turnip, cucumber, carrot, capsicum, pumpkin, horseradish, onion. The main seasoning is garlic.

In Ukrainian cuisine, there are quite a lot of soups, in addition to the already mentioned borscht, they cook holodnik, cabbage soup, fish soup, green cabbage soup and others.
Ukrainians have a lot of flour dishes: bread, dumplings, dumplings, dumplings, pancakes (pancakes), pancakes and others. Of the cereals are common: buckwheat, rice, millet. From legumes: peas, lentils, beans. A significant place is occupied by dairy products (in particular fermented baked milk, varenets, kefir, baked milk).

Famous Ukrainian desserts: Kyiv cake, povidlyanka, plyatsok, babki, shortbreads, penniks and many others.
From drinks, tea, coffee, juice, jelly are popular. National alcoholic drinks – vodka, moonshine, varenukha.